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OPENLang e-Toolkit on Language OERs
for Language Teachers & Trainers

What is it?

This toolkit is a step-by-step guide for Language education to equip language learning instructors and trainers with the skills they need to find, evaluate, use, reuse, create and share Open Educational Resources (OERs). It has been developed based on the findings of an extensive review on OERs as well as on the Quality Framework for Language OERs.

This e-toolkit has a concrete structure combining theory to practice and it has been broken up into six sections covering important aspects of working with OERs like:


  • Definitions of Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Open Educational Practices (OEPs)

  • Characteristics, categories, benefits, and challenges of using OERs

  • Copyright licenses and information

  • Where and how to find OERs and OEPs

  • How to create OER (basic authoring tools for the creation of OERs, language OERs databases)

  • Specific examples of OERs and OEPs in Language education

  • Useful tips for the creation and sharing of language OERs

  • Learning objectives and self-evaluation assessment are both included in each section.

Toolkit Sections

Introduction to OERs and OEPs

Finding an OER.jpg

To set a strong conceptual basis about OERs and OEPs  and comprehend the benefits and challenges in adopting OERs in language education.

An overview of existing OERs guidelines


To explore what is done so far for OERs and to get familiar with existing guidelines for OERs

Discovering Language OERs

What is an OEPtransparent.png

To identify some research tips on how to find adequate OERs for language learning.

Evaluating Language OERs

Evaluation Criteria.jpg

To be aware regarding the evaluation of OERs. To learn how to evaluate a language  OER based on the OPENLang Quality Framework and Tool.  

Using, Creating, Sharing Language OERs

To explore and adopt the useful tips/strategies in (re)using, creating, and sharing language OERs. 


Copyright and Open Licensing


To get familiar with the copyright issues when creating a language OER.

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